PTSD / Trauma / Cumulative Trauma

Valencia Relationship Institute is dedicated to providing compassionate and effective therapy services for individuals dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Cumulative Trauma, and other various forms of trauma. Therapy is a crucial component of the healing journey for individuals with PTSD. Our team of clinicians is highly trained and experienced, with expertise in evidence-based trauma therapies to support the healing process.

PTSD/ (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and Trauma

Certainly, understanding PTSD and Trauma is crucial for individuals seeking therapy. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after exposure to a traumatic event or a series of traumatic events. Trauma can take various forms, including physical harm, emotional distress, or the threat of harm to oneself or others. PTSD can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background.


Symptoms of PTSD:

Individuals with PTSD may experience a range of symptoms that can be distressing and impact their daily lives. Common symptoms include:

Intrusive Thoughts and Memories:

  • Distressing, unwanted memories of the traumatic event may intrude into daily life.
  • Flashbacks or nightmares may reoccur, making it difficult to separate past trauma from the present.


  • Individuals may avoid reminders of the traumatic event, such as places, people, or activities.
  • Emotional numbness or a sense of detachment from others may be present.

Negative Changes in Thinking and Mood:

  • Persistent negative thoughts about oneself or the world.
  • Difficulty experiencing positive emotions.
  • Memory and concentration difficulties.


  • Increased irritability, anger, or difficulty sleeping.
  • Heightened startle response and hypervigilance.

Causes of PTSD:

PTSD can be triggered by a variety of traumatic events, including but not limited to:

  • Combat exposure
  • Traumatic First Responder Calls and Emergency Room Trauma Centers
  • Physical or sexual assault
  • Natural disasters
  • Accidents
  • Witnessing violence

Cumulative Trauma:

Cumulative trauma refers to the accumulation of multiple distressing events over time, leading to emotional and psychological strain. We see this type of trauma in our work with first responders, law enforcement and front line hospital staff. Unlike a single traumatic incident, cumulative trauma results from the accumulation of stressors, hardships, or adverse life events. These events can occur in various domains of an individual’s life, leading to a gradual and pervasive toll on their mental, emotional, and sometimes physical well-being.

Our clinicians are trained to address the nuanced challenges associated with cumulative trauma, providing tailored therapeutic interventions to promote healing and resilience.

Traumatic experiences contributing to cumulative trauma can come from diverse sources. They may include:

  • Repeated interpersonal conflicts or abusive relationships
  • Childhood abuse or neglect
  • Chronic stressors such as financial difficulties or work-related pressures
  • Systemic issues like discrimination, oppression, or social injustice
  • Medical conditions or ongoing health challenges

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Impact on Daily Functioning:

Individuals experiencing cumulative trauma may exhibit a range of symptoms that can affect their mental health, emotional well-being, and interpersonal relationships. These symptoms may include anxiety, depression, difficulty trusting others, challenges in forming and maintaining relationships, and a heightened state of emotional arousal.

Cumulative trauma can significantly impact an individual’s daily functioning, leading to difficulties in various areas of life such as work, relationships, and self-esteem. It may also contribute to the development of mental health disorders.

If you or someone you know is dealing with the effects of cumulative trauma, seeking support from mental health professionals can be beneficial. Therapists with expertise in trauma-informed care can help individuals navigate the complexities of cumulative trauma and work towards healing and recovery.